Kevin Fahey was an alcoholic, a lousy father, and an even worse detective when he was alive. In death, he finds himself trapped in a lonely plane between the living and the dead, with nothing to do except visit his old life and seek redemption by trying to correct some of the mistakes he made. He follows Maggie Gunn, his replacement on the detective force, around town, investigating her cases alongside her and her partner, Adrian Calvano. He must face the terrible mistakes he made in his life and, somehow, find a way to move on to a better place.

Kevin Fahey has been dead for three months and in that time he has come to understand how he squandered his life while alive. But now he must face a terrible truth: A killer he thought he had captured has struck again, claiming the lives of several young girls and making it apparent that Fahey and his equally incompetent partner put the wrong man behind bars long ago. Can Kevin Fahey redeem himself by solving the case right this time around and undo the damage his carelessness caused? Or will he be doomed to wander his lonely world forever?

Kevin Fahey returns in The Innocence Killer, one step closer to redemption but still a wandering soul left to ponder the damage he did as a hard-drinking, careless detective when he was alive. He keeps watch over his hometown and especially over his replacement, Detective Maggie Gunn, hoping for the chance to atone for the life he wasted. This time, he is caught between two cases, the murder of an emergency room nurse and the kidnapping of a young boy — audaciously committed in the park across from the first crime scene while everyone’s attention is on the dead nurse. His journey takes him deep into the mind of an odd neighborhood man, whose memories hold the clue to the boy’s whereabouts, and into the psyche of a dark and self-contained nurse hiding secrets from those who loved and admired her deeply. When Fahey discovers who has the boy and what forces are at work, he must do everything he can to lead the living to him before the boy’s innocence is lost forever.

Kevin Fahey has been wandering a plane between the living and the dead for over a year now, seeking redemption — or at least company — in his lonely world. Attracted by their own lonely wanderings, he finds himself drawn to the Holloway Institute for the Mentally Ill, an immense and sprawling hospital that sits on a hill overlooking his small Delaware town. At Holloway, he finds solace in the quiet rooms and distraction in the troubles of the patients who live within its walls. But one day, his peace is broken when a young girl is brutally murdered and her body dumped along the banks of a river that winds behind Holloway. Fahey’s replacement on the force, Maggie Gunn, and her partner Adrian Calvano, are assigned to the case and within minutes find themselves baffled. The girl has been killed in exactly the same way as a series of girls killed many years before, down to the smallest unreleased detail. But those murders were solved and the killer was caught and sent to Holloway to live in its locked ward for the criminally insane. There is no way he could have escaped to commit these murders, but he is surely pulling the strings?

Kevin Fahey finds himself infatuated with a young school teacher eagerly awaiting the birth of her first child. The love she shares with her husband is balm to the Dead Detective's tortured soul. But when the schoolteacher abruptly disappears and the town’s suspicions turn against the husband, Fahey must find way to alert the living to what has really happened to her. His journey takes him to a magnificent mansion on the edge of town where a famous television star and his young wife — maimed by too much plastic surgery — live in unhappy silence. As servants come and go, another invisible occupant of the mansion makes his own unhappiness felt — a despair acutely painful to Fahey, his fellow wanderer. Strange visitors, self-denial, decades-old secrets and an unlikely hero all come together in a desperate race to save the life of the young schoolteacher before it is too late.
“This is a wonderful book with a unique and appealing hero. I loved it.”
“At first glance at the cover of Angel Interrupted, one would gather that this is a typical cozy mystery, but once inside, readers will find a absorbing paranormal/police procedural/ mystery that grabs your attention and doesn’t let go to the very end. Chaz McGee is a creative and intelligent writer who combines a lively, fascinating cast of characters with a complicated but captivating plot to give her audience a brilliant story.”
"I flipped thru the book wanting to just see what it was like before putting in on my 'to read' shelf since I was halfway thru another book. Two hours later after starting the first page I was still between the covers of Desolate Angel and I did not put it down until I was finished. This was excellent. Her writing style just swept me away. This book was different and compelling and very hard to put down or forget. I would very much recommend it to everyone.”
“This is like no mystery I have ever read before. It has a great story & even though you know the murderer through a good part of the book, the suspense is still high. It is not one of the formulaic mysteries being written today, it is different in so many ways, it makes you ponder truths, it makes you think about life, it reminds you of the reality of being while telling you a fictional story.”
“I usually whip through mysteries in an evening, this took me three days. I had to keep putting it down & let the author’s words sink in… I’m sorry if I’m not explaining myself clearly, you’ll have to read it for yourself & if you are an intelligent reader you will want to keep this book & read it again… and look forward to the next one.”
“The writing is so compelling that I couldn’t stop reading, in spite of being frightened out of my wits. The writing is descriptive, engaging, and makes everything vivid. The writer has a superb knack for getting inside a person’s head and describing what they are feeling—very scary when the person is a sociopath. The characters are fully formed, mature, and complex. The descriptions are so well done that I could smell the bar that one of the characters went in.”
“This book was very well written and draws you in slowly as the dead character developes. I had a hard time putting the book down. It made me think of my own mortality and how as humans we tend to take for granted what we have, not enjoy more the things we do have, and how complicated we can make life be. The author goes to some very dark places in this book and makes you literally feel the things the character is feeling; ie how deeply he feels remorse, pain, evil, shame, joy, goodness, faith and hope. I finished the book happy that in the end justice was done and wanting more. Much more. I cannot wait for the next installment of this book.”
“There is a lot going on in this novel; the plotting is very intricate, but it never feels like too much or that it is overdone. There are several neat twists that readers won’t expect, and characters turn out differently than originally expected. A nice blend of genres, this book offers a nice change from the usual light cozies and very dramatic police procedurals.”
“This is a great paranormal police procedural that focuses on two violent crimes, a dedicated but lonely cop working both and a ghost who fights evil anyway he can as he has a personal objective. Heart wrenching yet also heartwarming, Angel Interrupted is fast-paced with terrific twists the reader never expects yet afterward will feel Chaz McGee is on target as the paranormal adds the nice extra touch to an entertaining whodunit."