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Nov 20, 2017
How come you’ve never heard of me before?
The answer is pretty simple: there are many of us mid-list writers out there who do not get large-scale, national marketing.
Feb 22, 2016
Ignoring the Truth
This past week, I was rereading "Everything She Ever Wanted," one of Rule’s best.
Feb 8, 2016
The Great Debate
Let us go then, you and I, when the evening is spread out against the sky...
Feb 20, 2014
Empaths and voyeurs and parrots… oh, my!
. Voyeurs, on the other hand, can be both wickedly entertaining and devastatingly cruel. Their ability to see every move you make and...
Mar 13, 2012
A matter of faith
It is always at this point, right before I begin the final draft process, but I begin to fear my characters are nothing but cartoons,...
Jan 8, 2012
Living In The Twilight Zone
I have entered the Twilight Zone — tha It’s a good sign when this happens in some ways. It tells me that I have successfully created a...
Dec 4, 2011
Hand Me the Knife
I came across this quote from Mark Twain this week and loved it. Being a writer has one big advantage over other occupations: it is one...
Dec 3, 2011
When a Take-Over is Emminent
Now, I am not so sure. As I continue to write about good vs. evil, and the different forms these forces can take, I wonder about these...
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